3 Mistakes Developers Make that Prevent Them from Improving the Performance of Applications

In these days, performance is a feature! So, you should start, right now, to refactor your code to achieve better performance. Right? No. you shouldn’t!

Before starting to change your code, take some time and think. Be sure you are not making one of the following mistakes.

Mistake #1 – Do not define what is important

What do you mean by performance? Are you looking for better use of the CPU? Are you trying to reduce the latency (time to run a single operation from start to finish)? Throughput (number of operations your application can handle in a certain amount of time)? Do you need to reduce the amount of memory necessary to run? Are you interested in better disk usage? Do you want to reduce the network bandwidth required to transfer your data?

You need to define what aspects you are trying to improve. You need to be precise. The right moment is now!

Mistake #2 – Try to optimize code without a reliable measurement

No matter how experienced you are, you should NOT rely on your gut feelings.

There are excellent tools that you could and should use. You will need accurate performance metrics to get your work done. Do NOT ignore this action.

Benchmarking is hard (especially micro-benchmarking). Do NOT try to be smart creating your tools.

Mistake #3 – Do not verify the results

How do you know you succeed? The only way is measuring again and again.

One more time, no matter how experienced you are, you should NOT rely on your gut feelings.

Sometimes, to improve one aspect, you will make another worse. Double check if you are ready to handle the “improvement” consequences.

Time To Action

Again, performance is a feature. Take it seriously.

  • Define your performance goals precisely
  • Choose right performance metrics and select proper tools to provide them for you.
  • Double check your results

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Elemar Júnior

Sou fundador e CEO da EximiaCo e atuo como tech trusted advisor ajudando diversas empresas a gerar mais resultados através da tecnologia.

Elemar Júnior

Sou fundador e CEO da EximiaCo e atuo como tech trusted advisor ajudando diversas empresas a gerar mais resultados através da tecnologia.

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