
Confira os estudos e reflexões que podem gerar insights para seu negócio nesta categoria:

Implementing a good caching strategy is fundamental to achieve good performance. Besides that, it is not a trivial task. There...
Most of my client’s applications code is for parsing, caching, storing, aggregating, protecting and sharing data! It is not the...
I talked about microservices at two conferences last week. In both opportunities, the attendees asked me about how to implement...
When designing systems that need to scale you always need to remember that using better resources could help you to...
When designing systems that need to scale you always need to remember that [tweet]more computing power does not necessarily mean...
In this post, I will help you to set up your first RavenDB cluster. To be honest, it is not...
As a consultant, I often need to work with the code that I do not know. I need to understand...
If you need to improve the performance of .NET applications, then at some point you will need to understand how...
If you ask me one tip to improve the performance of your applications, it would be: Design your objects to...
The example which motivated this post comes from the excellent book Designing Distributed Systems by Brendan Burns (co-founder of the...
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Arquitetura de Software

Práticas, padrões & técnicas para Arquitetura de Software, de maneira efetiva, com base em cenários reais para profissionais envolvidos no projeto e implantação de software.

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