Tuples, Tuples – Returning multiple results from a function (C#)

I have no idea of how many times I had to write a function do discover the minimum and the maximum value of a sequence.

I just love the way I can do it now, using C#.

public static class EnumerableExtensions
    public static (T min, T max) MinMax<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
        where T : IComparable<T>
        using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
            if (!iterator.MoveNext())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find min/max of an empty sequence.");

            var result = (min: iterator.Current, max: iterator.Current);
            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                if (iterator.Current.CompareTo(result.min) < 0) result.min = iterator.Current;
                if (iterator.Current.CompareTo(result.max) > 0) result.max = iterator.Current;
            return result;

Pretty nice, right?!

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var sequence = Enumerable.Range(10, 1000000);
        var minmax = sequence.MinMax();
        Console.WriteLine($"Min: {minmax.min} Max: {minmax.max}");

That’s it.

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Elemar Júnior

Sou fundador e CEO da EximiaCo e atuo como tech trusted advisor ajudando diversas empresas a gerar mais resultados através da tecnologia.

Elemar Júnior

Sou fundador e CEO da EximiaCo e atuo como tech trusted advisor ajudando diversas empresas a gerar mais resultados através da tecnologia.

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