Processing Boolean Queries using C#

In the first post of this series, I explained how to produce an inverted index using C#. In the second post, I explained how to improve the tokenization process, using the Porter Stemming Algorithm. Now, I will share how to process boolean queries.

Inverted Index?

Within a  document collection, I assume that each document has a unique serial number (a documentId). During the index construction I simple assign successive integer to each new document.

The input to the indexing process is an enumeration of normalized tokens for each document.  The output is a dictionary where the keys are the tokens, and the values are lists of the documentIds of the documents which contains that token.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Tupi.Indexing
    public class InvertedIndex
        private readonly ISet _indexedDocuments = 
            new SortedSet();
        public IEnumerable<int> IndexedDocuments => _indexedDocuments;

        private readonly IDictionary<string, List<int>> _data = 
            new Dictionary<string, List>();

        internal void Append(string term, int documentId)
            if (_data.ContainsKey(term))
                var postings = new List {documentId};
                _data.Add(term, postings);


        public IEnumerable<int> GetPostingsFor(string term) => !_data.ContainsKey(term) 
            ? Enumerable.Empty() 
            : _data[term];

The Query Abstraction

Given an inverted index, I want to be able to perform a query that results in all documents that meet the specified criteria.

In my implementation, the Query class is a base class and a factory.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Tupi.Indexing;

namespace Tupi.Querying.Queries
    public abstract class Query
        public abstract IEnumerable<int> Execute(InvertedIndex index);

        public static Query Term(string term) =>

        public static Query All(params string[] terms) =>

        public static Query All(IEnumerable<int> queries) =>
            new AllQuery(queries);

        public static Query And(Query left, Query right) =>
            new AllQuery(left, right);

        public static Query Any(params string[] terms) =>

        public static Query Or(Query left, Query right) =>
            new AnyQuery(left, right);

        public static Query Not(Query innerQuery) 
            => new NotQuery(innerQuery);

Use this abstraction to define queries is simple.

var query1 = Query.Or(

var query2 = Query.Not(

Querying terms

Retrieving the list of documents containing a term is pretty simple. We just need to normalize the term and then check the dictionary.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Tupi.Indexing;

namespace Tupi.Querying.Queries
    public class TermQuery : Query
        private readonly string _term;

        public TermQuery(string term)
            _term = term;

        public override IEnumerable<int> Execute(InvertedIndex index) 
            => index.GetPostingsFor(_term);

        public static Query From(string term) =>
            From(term, DefaultAnalyzer.Instance);

        public static Query From(string term, IAnalyzer analyzer)
            using (var reader = new StringReader(term))
                var tokenSource = new TokenSource(reader);

                if (!analyzer.Process(tokenSource))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not generate a term from: {term}");

                return new TermQuery(tokenSource.ToString());

AND operator

Then AND implementation just intersects the results of two (or more) queries.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Tupi.Indexing;

namespace Tupi.Querying.Queries
    public class AllQuery : Query
        private readonly IEnumerable<Query> _queries;

        public AllQuery(IEnumerable<Query> queries)
            _queries = queries;

        public AllQuery(params Query[] queries)
            _queries = queries;

        public override IEnumerable<int> Execute(InvertedIndex index)
            var postings = new List<List>();
            foreach (var query in _queries)
                var l = query.Execute(index).ToList();

                if (!l.Any())
                    return Enumerable.Empty();


            postings.Sort((l1, l2) => l1.Count.CompareTo(l2.Count));

            var results = postings[0];

            for (var i = 1; i < postings.Count; i++) { results = results.Intersect(postings[1]).ToList(); } return results; } public static Query From(params string[] terms) => 
            new AllQuery(terms.Select(TermQuery.From).ToList());

OR operator

The OR implementation just merges the results of two (or more) queries.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Tupi.Indexing;

namespace Tupi.Querying.Queries
    public class AnyQuery : Query
        private readonly IEnumerable<Query> _queries;

        public AnyQuery(IEnumerable<Query> queries)
            _queries = queries;

        public AnyQuery(params Query[] queries)
            _queries = queries;

        public override IEnumerable<int> Execute(InvertedIndex index)
            var results = Enumerable.Empty();
            return _queries.Aggregate(
                seed: Enumerable.Empty(),
                func: (current, query) => current.Union(query.Execute(index))

        public static Query From(params string[] terms) =>
            new AnyQuery(terms.Select(TermQuery.From).ToList());

NOT operator

The NOT implementation returns all indexed documents, except the returned by the execution of the inner query.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Tupi.Indexing;

namespace Tupi.Querying.Queries
    public class NotQuery : Query
        private readonly Query _query;

        public NotQuery(Query query)
            _query = query;

        public override IEnumerable<int> Execute(InvertedIndex index) => 

Last words

In this post a shared how to implement boolean queries on an inverted index. I am pretty sure that there are a lot of improvement opportunities here. Please give me your recommendations in the comments.

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Elemar Júnior

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